A few years ago, while I was going through some very tough times in my personal life, my mom gave me the framed quote below. (I added the yellow stick on mustache… cause it’s funny)
Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.
Mom Dobry (love you mom!)
Great quote, but to me, it only tells part of the story.
We have to look back, our history made us who we are.
But – how much do we focus on history vs. future?
Imagine you are in a car driving, do you stare most of the time in the rear-view mirror?
I hope not! You will probably crash… You will miss the scenery and amazing world flying by!
You need to look back (rear-view mirror) to understand history, but don’t live there, you can’t change it.
-> if you can, please share I’m sure you will be a billionaire with that technology
While we can’t change the past, we can and HAVE to learn from it.
In life, look out the WINDSHIELD 90% of the time; look in the REAR VIEW MIRROR 10% of the time.
And last, but not least… yes, you do have to look back… but don’t use it to make EXCUSES for choices or a horrible life. Own it, learn, change, move forward 100% accountable for your life.
Use the past to learn from, not make EXCUSES!
Darren Hardy
#AttitudeEverything #ChooseHappiness #Quote #LUASBR
Amen! Wise words!